The “idol” group Block B, composed of seven members, recently uploaded a video asking for forgiveness of what they had said in a Thai interview.
On February 23, Block B uploaded a video which is about a minute and thirty seconds long on YouTube to send a message of apology.
The video begins as Block B members bow their heads down to 90 degrees to express their regrets.
The leader Zico, who shaved his head in a sense of self-reflection and being responsible for the controversy they had caused, speaks on behalf of his group, “Hello, this is Block B. We are very sorry for the things that happened in Thailand recently.
The fact that we didn’t think that our actions can damage the Thai people was very stupid and embarrassing, and we don’t know how to ask for your forgiveness. We acknowledge that we made a hasty judgment of the atmosphere of the location, and that was very selfish and we are greatly sorry.
It was childish, and we are very sorry for causing harm. Again, we would like to bow our heads and apologize.”
Zico’s words are translated into Korean, Thai, and English and simultaneously shown on subtitles as he speaks.
While Zico is sending apologetic message, the rest of the members, P.O, U-Kwon, B-Bomb, Taeil, Park Kyung, and Jaehyo, stands with a regretful look throughout the video.
Early on February 20, each member of Block B left comment on fanclub, asking for forgiveness of what they had said about flood damage in Thailand and their joking attitude.
Block B was harshly scolded for mischievously talking about flood damages in Thailand in a video interview titled “New Artist- Block B in Thailand” by a Thai media, RYT9.
During the interview, the group broke out laughing when they said, “We hope that some financial aid can play a part in healing the scars in your hearts. Money’s all we have. How about, say, 7,000 won?”
Source: Starnews