Super Junior topped the Oricon Chart with their new Japanese single, “Sexy, Free & Single.”
According to the Oricon Chart, Super Junior topped the Oricon Daily Single Chart with their fourth Japanese single, “Sexy, Free & Single,” which was released in Japan on August 22.
This single contains two existing songs of Super Junior in Japanese, “Sexy, Free & Single,” released in Korea in July, and “Our Love,” a track from Super Junior’s second album. Super Junior topped the chart without any promotions in Japan.
On August 24 around 1:00 p.m., Ryeowook said thank you to Super Junior’s Japanese fans with the comment on his Twitter account, “We topped the Oricon Chart! Thank you so much. We always appreciate our fans for supporting us. We’ll try harder. ELF is the best! (1位!ありがとうございま~す。応援してくれるファンのみなさんにいつも感謝します。もっとがんばります。ELF最高).”
Big Bang also topped both the Oricon Daily DVD Chart and the overall chart with Big Bang’s Alive 2012 Making Collection.
Therefore, it is proven that there hasn’t been a specific change in sales of K-pop albums despite the fact that Japanese right-wing groups have manipulated media to encourage people to stand against Hallyu by raising a dispute over Dokdo.
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